Footnotes 21
1 Mark Kurlansky: ‚Nonviolence. The History of a Dangerous Idea‚, p. 5.
2 Judith Butler, ‚The Force of Nonviolence‘, 2020, p. 64.
3 Robert Musil, „Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften‘, p. 16 (cited from the German edition; English edition: ‚The Man Without Qualities‘, Picador, 2017).
4 Judith Butler, ‚The Force of Nonviolence‘, 2020, p. 125.
5 Michael Nagler, ‚The Nonviolence Handbook‘, pos. 203.
6 Ramin Jahanbegloo: ‚Nonviolence in the 21. Century. A matter of choice‘, livemint,
7 Kwame Anthony Appiah, ‚Der Kosmopolit‘, p. 141 (citations from the German edition, English edition: ‚Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers‘, Penguin, 2015).
8 Kwame Anthony Appiah, ‚Der Kosmopolit‘, p. 17.
9 ‚Cosmopolitanism. A Public Culture Book‘, by Carol B. Brechenridge, Sheldon Pollock, Homi K. Bhabha and Dipesh Chakrabarty, p. 12.
10 Seyla Benhabib, ‚Kosmopolitismus ohne Illusionen‘, pos. 209 (cited from the German edition; English edition: ‚Another Cosmopolitanism‘, Oxford University Press, 2006).
11 Etienne Balibar, ‚Secularism and Cosmopolitanism. Critical Hypothesis on Religion and Politics‘, p. 22.
12 Arun Gandhi, ‚Wut ist ein Geschenk. Das Vermächtnis meines Großvaters Mahatma Gandhi‘, DuMont, 2019, p. 199 (cited from German edition; English edition: ‚The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi‘, DuMont, 2020).
13 ‚Cosmopolitanism. A Public Culture Book‘, by Carol B. Brechenridge, Sheldon Pollock, Homi K. Bhabha, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, p. 6f.
14 Kwame Anthony Appiah, ‚Identitäten. Die Fiktion der Zugehörigkeit‘, p. 295 (citation from the German edition; English edition: ‚The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identities‘, Profile Books, 2018).